

Montessori Education Within Australia

On the 6th of September 2019 Montessori Schools and Centres Australia Ltd (MSCA) was registered as a company limited by guarantee. MSCA has been established to grow and protect Montessori education within Australia, and support Montessori educators, leaders, schools and centres.

MSCA is the result of collaboration with the Montessori community who wanted a national representative body that is not for profit, democratic and truly membership based and owned by the community.

This has been achieved by a structure of a not-for-profit public company where the intention is for our members to have a voice, a vote and their input is valued as owners of the organisation.  The core values of MSCA are transparency, accountability, consultation and collaboration and we are dedicated to reflecting these values in all that we do and undertake.

In 2019 a Consortium of Montessori schools and centres from around Australia financed the start-up of MSCA. The generosity, support and trust that the Consortium has given and placed in MSCA is greatly appreciated.  Representatives from the Consortium made up the interim MSCA Board during the founding stages.

In May 2020 the new Board was voted in by the Australian Montessori community to lead and govern MSCA. The foundation has been set for MSCA to achieve great things moving forward and into the future as we work to fulfil our mission of connecting, uniting and serving the Montessori community.