MSCA Member
Donvale Montessori (MEEC)

Welcome to Our Montessori Community

Our Philosophy at MEEC is to view each day as a new opportunity for wonder, inspiration and joy.

  • Children’s innate love of learning is cultivated in a safe, secure environment.  Educators are sensitive to each child’s needs.  Their relationship is built on mutual respect, trust and cooperation between educators, children and their families.

  • Children have the freedom to move around and explore the materials in the classroom which are carefully designed and suitable for their growth.  This prepared environment also provides opportunities for them to work in their own way, at their own pace and to make new discoveries. 

  • Children’s spontaneous activities are encouraged provided they are purposeful and not disruptive to others.  They learn to be responsible for their own learning and be masters of themselves.

  • Children have the opportunity to explore and be stimulated by nature, thereby becoming aware of the interconnectedness between living and non-living things.

  • Children are exposed to Aboriginal and other cultures, religions and races.

Passion and excellence are foundational pillars in our commitment to deliver quality assured education programs to the children entrusted to our care.  Our team has extensive, practical Montessori teaching experience and consistently demonstrate a love for working with all the children that come through the Centre. 

Our team is formed by highly qualified teachers and educators.

All our classes are led by Montessori Directresses.

All our Directresses are Montessori trained and hold qualifications from a range of well-known institutions.

Each classroom has a VIT registered Teacher (holding a Bachelor or Master degree in Education).

We also have the support of Educators in the classroom, who hold a variety of credentials including Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Diploma in Children Services, Certificate III in Education and Assistant Qualifications in Montessori Education.  


36A Mitcham Road, Donvale, VIC 3111, Australia

Proud member of MSCA