Montessori Schools and centres news

Exciting MMUN News for Australasia

We have some exciting news about the Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) program for everyone in the Australasia region.

The current situation:

After a fascinating session last year during our Grassroots Conference in Melbourne, many schools expressed interest in participating in the MMUN program and some educators in Australia have recently taken part in an online orientation to MMUN.

There has been a steady growth of participating schools in Australia, but some find participating in the international conferences logistically and financially challenging as they typically engage in the international MMUN conferences being held in either New York or Rome.

An Australasia regional MMUN conference:

Plans are underway to establish an Australasia regional MMUN conference for countries in our part of the world. The proposal put forth by Hope Leyson (Asia Liaison MMUN) and currently being considered by MMUN, is to hold the first Asia region conference in Bangkok, Thailand in December 2025. Bringing the conference experience closer to home will significantly ease the financial burden on schools and families wishing to support this wonderful program. 

Further information about MMUN:

MMUN was designed to inspire participants to act in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to change the world together. Visit their website for more information: https://montessori-mun.org/about-us/

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