
Alfie Kohn Press Kit

These resources are available in AEST (UTC+10) and EDT (UTC-4). If you would like copies of any materials with your local timezone, please contact admin@msca.edu.au. We would be happy to customise these for you.

1. The Basics


WHAT: The (Progressive) Schools Our Children Deserve by world-renowned author and speaker, Alfie Kohn.

WHEN: LIVE Tuesday August 31st at 10am AEST (UTC+10). Check your timezone here.
                 Re-broadcast at 8pm AEST (UTC+10). Check your timezone here.

NOTE: Due to the time difference with the United States, there are TWO sessions available for this event. Please check your timezone for each session using the links above.

The live presentation by Alfie Kohn will be held at 10am AEST (UTC +10) on Tuesday August 31st. If you are located in the United States, this will be your evening of Monday August 30th.

The 8pm AEST session will still be hosted live by MSCA, with the recorded 10am session re-broadcast. This is to cater for educators and other attendees who may not be able to attend the morning session.

DETAILED EVENT DESCRIPTION: Our knowledge of how children learn – and how schools can help — has come a long way in the last few decades. Unfortunately, most schools have not: They’re still more about memorising facts and practicing isolated skills than understanding ideas from the inside out; they still exclude students from any meaningful decision-making role; and they still rely on grades, tests, homework, lectures, worksheets, competition, punishments, and rewards. Alfie Kohn explores the alternatives to each of these conventional practices, explaining why progressive education isn’t just a realistic alternative but one that’s far more likely to help kids become critical thinkers and lifelong learners.

Will a recording be available? No. The live session will only be recorded for re-broadcast at the second scheduled time of 8pm AEST (UTC+10).

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2. Example Text


Montessori Schools and Centres Australia (MSCA; sounds like ‘MISS-kah’) are hosting ‘The (Progressive) Schools Our Children Deserve’ by Alfie Kohn on Tuesday August 31st. Alfie will explore the alternatives to conventional practices, explaining why progressive education isn’t just a realistic alternative but one that’s far more likely to help kids become critical thinkers and lifelong learners. The live presentation will be at 10.00am AEST and then re-broadcast at 8.00pm AEST, so you can choose the session that best suits you! Find out more, check your timezone, and book here: https://events.humanitix.com/alfie-kohn-msca?c=spsk

United States:

Montessori Schools and Centres Australia are hosting ‘The (Progressive) Schools Our Children Deserve’ by Alfie Kohn on Monday August 30th at 8.00pm EDT (UTC-4). Alfie will explore the alternatives to conventional practices, explaining why progressive education isn’t just a realistic alternative but one that’s far more likely to help kids become critical thinkers and lifelong learners. Find out more, check your timezone, and book here: https://events.humanitix.com/alfie-kohn-msca?c=spsk

Rest of the World:

Montessori Schools and Centres Australia are hosting ‘The (Progressive) Schools Our Children Deserve’ by Alfie Kohn. Alfie will explore the alternatives to conventional practices, explaining why progressive education isn’t just a realistic alternative but one that’s far more likely to help kids become critical thinkers and lifelong learners. The live presentation will be at 10.00am UTC+10 on Tuesday August 31st and then re-broadcast at 8.00pm UTC+10, so you can choose the session that best suits you! Find out more, check your timezone, and book here: https://events.humanitix.com/alfie-kohn-msca?c=spsk